Flexibility for Every Industry

From Concept To Service, An Integrated Solution. All-In-One.

Through a range of design capabilities, Enerflex delivers extensive expertise in refrigeration systems, from smaller skid-mounted to larger fully modular and extremely large turnkey stick-build design solutions.

Enerflex offers complete integrated turnkey (ITK) solutions, including processing and balance of plant equipment for any refrigeration application. Our solutions encompass engineering, design, manufacturing, onsite construction, and service for a more timely and cost effective approach.

Enerflex has proven success in engineering and designing skid-mounted and fully modular units for major industry players across the globe.

Industrial equipment with metallic pipes and tanks at a processing plant under a partly cloudy sky.

Skid Mounted Units for Smaller Systems

Our single or multi-skid designs are completely shop assembled with all interconnecting piping included, thus minimizing fieldwork.

Enerflex brings expertise to every project:

1,275 TR Propane Refrigeration, Chemical Plant

Propane and Butane Boil-Off Gas Condensing Unit, Export Terminal

600 TR Propane Refrigeration, Petrochemical Plant Producing Polyalphaolefins

Fully Modular Units for Larger Systems

Fully modular systems are built as sub-modules, which are individual skid-mounted units. All sub-modules are trial-fitted within the Enerflex manufacturing facility, and match-marked when disassembled for easy reassembly in the field.

Enerflex’s modular approach minimizes site installation time, costs, construction schedule, and footprint, while also maximizing safety and reliability.

Check out our notable projects :

6,800 TR Propylene Refrigeration, Petrochemical Plant Producing Polyolefin

5,733 TR Propylene Refrigeration, Petrochemical Plant Using Monochlorobenzene

Industrial gas processing facility with tanks, pipelines, and machinery in an outdoor setting surrounded by buildings and trees.

Industrial machinery setup with various pipes and controls in a factory setting.

Integrated Turnkey (ITK) Stick-Build Designs for Extremely Large Systems

Our deep engineering, design, manufacturing, material supply, and construction expertise has made us the go to partner for large refrigeration projects worldwide. As a global leader in the refrigeration industry, Enerflex possesses the in-house capabilities and know-how to deliver complex end-to-end solutions.

Some ITK projects to highlight include:

3,500 TR Propylene Refrigeration, Refinery

5,500 TR Propylene Refrigeration, Synthetic Natural Gas Plant

Integrated Turnkey Refrigeration Solutions

  • Export and Import Terminals
    • Liquefied natural gas (LNG), liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), and Olefin export and import terminals.
    • Specialize in the design of propane, propylene, ethane, ethylene, and butane terminals — with design capacity ranging from 20,000 BBL/D to 240,000 BBL/D.
    • Balance of plant equipment, such as metering skids, loading and unloading pumps, loading arms, and storage tanks. 
    • Process and detailed engineering, plus feasibility studies (FEED) – as a stand-alone service or part of your larger project.
  • CO₂ Liquefaction Plants
    • Food and non-food grade liquid CO2 plants from a variety of sources such as ethanol plants, amine installations, high pressure pipelines, etc.
    • Refrigeration systems, purification systems, reactors, and columns, plus balance of plant, Enerflex provides it all – from concept to service.
  • Downstream Solutions
    • Refining petroleum crude oil.
    • Processing and purifying petrochemical products
    • Preparing products for marketing and distribution to the widest possible energy marketplace.
    • Enerflex’s downstream solutions seamlessly integrate into commercial and industrial applications to maximize production value.
  • Offshore Packages
    • Custom-engineered.
    • Skid-mounted or modularized.
    • Full breadth of compression and process solutions for multiple specifications and applications across industries.