Each Year, Large Amounts of Associated Petroleum Gas is Lost

Now There’s a Way to Turn Impurity into Opportunity

Onshore and offshore, all over the world, natural gas is flared as a necessary part of drilling for oil. In an ideal world, the word flare gas would not exist. Associated petroleum gas (APG), or field gas, can be converted to power at high efficiencies using reciprocating natural gas engines. Enerflex has developed comprehensive solutions to turn a problem into electricity, heat, and valuable sellable liquids.

Finding Value Instead of Flaring

Flaring contributes to local air pollution, as well as global climate change by releasing millions of tons of pollutants into the atmosphere. Barriers to the development of gas markets, lack of gas infrastructure, and overall project complexity are often cited as factors at the root of this practice.  

Enerflex is working to change this reality. Understanding the complex nature of flare gas valorization, Enerflex has worked hard and invested in comprehensive solutions to make the economic balance tip and turn a waste stream into a commodity with real economic value. This shift is made possible through innovative solutions that make projects more energy efficient by converting what is otherwise a waste stream into multiple saleable commodities.

Our robust, proven engine technologies are able to operate in remote locations, throughout extreme temperatures, and using waste streams with high levels of impurity. Enerflex solutions can be delivered in a modular design allowing for fast installation and ease of operation.

To learn more about Enerflex’s other flare gas solutions, click here.

Flare Gas to Power. Enerflex Delivers.

Flowchart of oil field gas flare reduction process involving desulfurization, a gas engine, and electricity for onsite and grid use

Enerflex is the Jenbacher Distributor and Service Provider for Canada and also provides Jenbacher products and lifecycle solutions across most USA states. The Company is also a global Platinum Power Packager for Waukesha engines and parts. For detailed product information about the different INNIO engine types and applications – click here.

Logo of Jenbacher Innio, Distributor & Service Provider.
Waukesha INNIO logo with orange and black text and an arrow-like design element, representing energy solutions and innovation.

Enerflex in Action

  • Chichimene, Colombia

    9.6 MW Power Station with Flare Gas-to-Power Solution

    Our customer’s plant is situated in a remote region of Columbia, isolated from all power sources. The Enerflex modular solution meets the very high-power demands of the site today and is capable of expansion in future. The local Enerflex team installed a PWC3200S, with  three units generating 3,200 kW each, for a total output of 9,600 kW, 4,160V at 900 RPM.

    The package consists of a 16V 275GL+ Waukesha engine, with a Kato 4,160 V generator, Sutton Stromart cooler, ComAp Intelisys NTC control system, all housed in an Enerflex designed and fabricated walk-in enclosure.


    The Enerflex power plant is a complete, large-scale 9.6 MW power station, operating as low as 1.6 MW, and all combinations in between. The equipment was transportable over difficult terrain, offering continuous duty power to a remote facility where reliability is vital.

    The equipment shipped from Enerflex’s Houston facility, installed by the customer, and pre-commissioned by Enerflex. All three units were extensively tested and checked, allowing for the required adjustments to be made prior to start-up. This process enabled commissioning to be completed one week ahead of schedule — on budget.